Civic Journalism: New and Improved Local News
Rebecca Trout
Sadly, hundreds of newspapers and other local news sources have closed in the past couple of decades. The good news is that many communities are seeing the emergence of new sources of local news, and many of these new sources are focusing on the positive, not following the long-held news criteria of “if it bleeds,…
Report: For Our Freedom Amendment
Jere Halligan
American Promise unites Americans to win the For Our Freedom Amendment to secure elections and government for we the people—not big money, not corporations, not unions, not shadowy super PACs and special interests. The For Our Freedom Amendment: Protects free speech and the voice of all Americans and ends the domination of our elections and corruption of our…
Promising Practices for Reducing Barriers to Youth Civic Engagement
Rebecca Trout
A healthy democracy requires equitable and just access to participation for all members of our community, especially our youth. As much as any other demographic, young people have an enormous stake in the decisions that shape the laws, policies, and practices of our country, particularly as it relates to ongoing and fraught discussions about education,…
The Democracy Group Newsletter
Katie DeFiore
Are you worried about our democracy in America? If you’re on Citizen Connect then you are most likely a very engaged citizen. Democracy is in danger and needs your help now more than ever. That’s why The Democracy Group have created a community and network of 16 podcasts united around the goal of helping listeners…