Election Participation Guide: Your Vote Matters! Register, Vote, Work The Polls, Get Out The Vote.

Find The Right Event for You!

We always have rewarding opportunities to get your citizen game on - some interactive, some informational, some virtual, some right next door. They welcome all Americans interested in making our politics better whether you’re a Republican, Democrat or Independent. Check out our featured events below or use our search tools to zero in on the best options for you. Explore the events that intrigue you most, then click to get connected!


All Day

A Peace of My Mind exhibit

A Peace of my Mind

Our American Stories exhibit will be installed at the Everett, Washington public library for the month of September. The exhibit will be highlighted by a virtual book reading at 6...

Constitution Week


"There is no end to making a more perfect union." September 17th is the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Congress passed a resolution to celebrate this milestone...

Sidewalk Talk – Calgary, Alberta

Sidewalk Talk

Come out and lend your ears to offer FREE listening to our community.At Sidewalk Talk, our mission is to nurture human connection by teaching and practicing heart-centered listening in public...

Featured Featured

WORKSHOP: Listening Politics

Crossing Party Lines

Stop arguing politics and start listening politics. Learn to cultivate curiosity, connect, and set the tone for a civil, respectful conversation with CPL’s advanced listening techniques.ABOUT CPL WorkshopsGet the training...