Election Participation Guide: Your Vote Matters! Register, Vote, Work The Polls, Get Out The Vote.

Find The Right Event for You!

We always have rewarding opportunities to get your citizen game on - some interactive, some informational, some virtual, some right next door. They welcome all Americans interested in making our politics better whether you’re a Republican, Democrat or Independent. Check out our featured events below or use our search tools to zero in on the best options for you. Explore the events that intrigue you most, then click to get connected!



Participate in REAL DEMOCRACY right NOW! 24/7/365

Citizen Assembly

Citizen Assembly invites you to join us in the never-ending, limitless process of REAL deliberative democracy, thanks to the groundbreaking technology Egora, "The Worldwide Stock-Market of Ideas"! Egora-ILP.org With Egora...

How to Organize and Host a Living Room Conversations

We host this training monthly. Choose the date that works from you on the calendar below! Living Room Conversations is focused on resources to help you stay connected. We are...

How to Organize and Host Living Room Conversations

We host this training monthly. Choose the date that works for you on the calendar below! Living Room Conversations is focused on resources to help you stay connected. We are...

Practicalities of Fighting Hyper-Partisanship in Our Government

Reform Elections Now and Open Primaries, two nonprofit election reform organizations, have identified voting rules established by each party that disenfranchise independents and create this partisan gridlock. In this presentation,...

Protecting Our Vote in Minnesota and Nationwide

Join a Conversation with Special Guests: U. S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon----influential national leaders in protecting voting rights. Moderated by Dave Hage, former Pulitzer...