April 19, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm PDT
How to Have “Real” Conversations about Race w/o Blowups
Location: Online
Talking about race isn’t always easy… but it’s important. Andre and Todd were college freshman roommates – one black, one white – who spent their first 25 years of knowing each other without ever discussing race. So they decided to make their first conversations about race public to show what a first conversation about race might look like, where no topic is off the table and no views are stifled or censored, but where they always listen, respect, and seek to understand. The Healing Race show was born.
In this event, Andre and Todd will take you step by step through how you can have your own open, “real,” constructive conversations about race. We will teach you the five habits we put into practice to have a deeply transformational conversation about race and equip you with specific skills that you can take into your own difficult conversations.
For more information, you can email info@healingraceshow.com. To see episodes, visit bit.ly/HealingRaceSeason1