February 22, 2023 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Modernizing Congress: The Business Case to Upgrade Govt
Location: Online
D.C. insiders like to say that every few decades, there’s an a-ha recognition that the mechanics of how Congress works is in need of a serious update. In 2018, six Democrats and six Republicans formed the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress with the goal of making the institution work better for the American people – including businesses, large and small.
The little-known bipartisan committee was charged with figuring out how to make Congress more effective and efficient. Antiquated operations and processes, out-of-date technology, and 20th-century personnel and management practices make it difficult for members of Congress to provide business and other constituents with the level of service they desire. At a time when Congress is increasingly polarized, members spend almost no social time with members of other parties, and consensus matters little, the committee has been an exciting model of bipartisan comity and progress.
The bipartisan committee’s work drew to a close at the end of 2022 and resulted in over 200 recommendations on changing long-standing rules and norms. So far, 132 of the committee’s recommendations have been fully or partially implemented — but there is still more to do.
In this new session of Congress, BFA is mobilizing the business community to advocate for adopting additional recommendations. Join us on February 22nd to hear from those in the know about the current effort to revitalize Congress.
Business for America looks forward to partnering with your company or organization to support further reforms that will improve how Congress works. And remember, there is nothing partisan about wanting Congress to work properly.