Citizen Connect is your nonpartisan doorway to civic action. We put the 600+ organizations – right, left and center – working to strengthen our democracy at your fingertips, so you can choose how to connect.

Unify Challenge

Unify America

Take the Unify Challenge, a guided video conversation that you will take with another American who may vote or think differently than you.  It is a small but powerful way for everyday people to heal our national divide. Consider this your official invitation to step out of your “bubble.”  We the People can lead the…

Deeper Dive into Vulnerability- Weakness or Courage

Collaborative Solutions

Vulnerability- weakness or courage? It’s a commonly held misconception that vulnerability is equal to weakness. In reality, vulnerability is an empowering act of courageous openness. It gives us permission to be accepted and the opportunity to be resilient if we’re rejected. It’s the ability to be heard and to hear — and to acknowledge that…

Scaling Mount Polarization

Speakers’ Series event about how to “Scale Mount Polarization” THIS Tuesday, 3/28: Join us for the first event from our Speakers Series’ Committee: “Scaling Mount Polarization: Is dialogue the best way to reach the summit, or is there a better way to blaze the trail (mass messaging, debates, policy change)?” Cheryl Graeve, National Organizer -…