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3-Minute Storyteller


  • Engage Across Differences

A key theme of 3-Minute Storyteller is the commonality of the heart that connects us all. One of our missions at 3-Minute Storyteller is to figure out why humans disagree about so much, when in conversation, we seem to have so much in a common. What we hoped, and what we’ve found, is that by telling each other our stories, we find the vulnerability, the heart connection that leads to greater understanding. We hope you enjoy our stories.

In the last couple of years, we’ve featured an incredible diversity of fascinating people and stories—from astronauts just returned to earth to best–selling authors.
Each week, we release a video story and essay, sometimes written by Mike, sometimes by Shannon, most of the time, a little bit of both. A key theme of 3-Minute Storyteller is the commonality of the heart that connects us all. One of our missions at 3-Minute Storyteller is to figure out why humans disagree about so much, when in conversation, we seem to have so much in a common. What we hoped, and what we’ve found, is that by telling each other our stories, we find the vulnerability, the heart connection that leads to greater understanding. We hope you enjoy our stories.


Shannon Mannon


Phoenix, AZ, USA