Building Bipartisan Bonds
- Engage Across Differences
To build empathy between people with different political beliefs through small-group dialogues
Building Bipartisan Bonds is an ambitious bipartisan effort to bridge the schisms in our society from the bottom up. The marketplace of ideas and the health of our community increasingly require that we disagree without being disagreeable. Building Bipartisan Bonds believes that bringing our community together around a table through discourse is the best way to bring our country together. It is our hope that these efforts will be copied, scaled, and implemented elsewhere. We’re here to engage in conversation, dialogue, and discussion with others who might be outside the bounds of our usual ideological groups. Our sessions are carefully planned to create the most productive, informative, and enjoyable bipartisan time as possible. Our goal is not to change minds, but to learn about why people believe what they believe, and in the process, build empathy across political differences.
Kevin Amirehsani
Denver, CO, USA