Citizen Connect is your nonpartisan doorway to civic action. We put the 600+ organizations – right, left and center – working to strengthen our democracy at your fingertips, so you can choose how to connect.



  • Engage Across Differences

MetaCulture is wholly dedicated to rebuilding a humane, lively and wise civilization.

MetaCulture was founded in 2005 as a conflict resolution and transformation center. Over the years, we have done consulting and training projects in Asia, the MENA region, Europe and the United States. Since 2013, given the eroding of confidence in liberal democracies and the rise of illiberal and authoritarian regimes, we have focused our efforts on strengthening the culture of democracy. We do this by focusing on those who live in democratic countries. Our education programs help develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are vital to strengthening a democracy.

DEMOSAPIENS, MetaCulture’s educational division is committed to developing intelligent and thoughtful citizens who can sustain free and open societies. Our programs are designed to cultivate:

  • CRITICAL THINKING – Thinking objectively, without personal or social biases
  • PERSONAL & CIVIC DISPOSITIONS – Engaging generously with other people in our community
  • REAL KNOWLEDGE– Understanding REALITY- beyond personal perceptions and ‘lived’ experience.


Ashok Panikkar


Washington, D.C., USA