Network for Responsible Public Policy
- News & Education
Our goals are to educate, inspire, and motivate the public to engage more deeply in our democracy. We achieve these goals by providing stories with authoritative information and forums for debate on important public policy issues. We aim to build a constituency of informed, civic-minded voters who are willing to find common ground in pursuit of the common good.
Rhoda Schermer
Ridgewood, NJ, USA
The U.S. Economy
The economy is in the news constantly. Unemployment is at the lowest rate in decades, yet, inflation is rearing its ugly head, and the Fed has stepped in to increase rates. How did we get to this point? What should be anticipated? Should we be alarmed? Is there a consensus on sensible solutions? In other…
Ukraine Update III
As Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, one wonders what to anticipate. Will the Coalition hold over time? Will Russia be held accountable for crimes? Can a small country succeed in its passion for independence and quest for democracy? How will peace be achieved? What is the likely future of Ukraine and Russia? What could…
America’s Vulnerable Elections
In this session, we will take a look at the challenges facing our elections, particularly at the structures the country has used for many generations that in an era of hyperpartisanship have become sources of national vulnerability. Discussion by Edward Foley, Lawrence R. Jacobs and Kevin Johnson. Moderated by Pam Fessler.