• MWEG 8th Annual Spring Conference

    Join us for the 2025 MWEG spring conference, “Growing Forward: Sowing Seeds of Compassion, Resilience, and Peace,” as we explore ways to proactively build peace and make a positive impact in our communities.  We offer both in-person and virtual options for this conference. In-person tickets will be for the full event held at Utah Valley University…

  • Post Election: Moving Forward Together

    The election has everyone talking. Join this unique conversation focused on hearing others and expressing your personal experiences. We will use the Post-Election: Moving Forward Together guide. Once all the campaigning and voting is over, we are left to process the results (and in recent elections their validity) and resulting transfer of power. While many believe we continue…

  • Post-Election: Moving Forward Together

    Join us for a Living Room Conversation all about how we move forward together once this election is through — no matter what the results. Once all the campaigning and voting is over, we are left to process the results (and in recent elections their validity) and resulting transfer of power. While many believe we continue to…

  • Anxiety + Elections Conversation

    Join Living Room Conversations for an Anxiety + Elections conversation. Therapist and author Steven Stosny,  coined the phrase “election stress disorder,”  He defined it as “stress and anxiety triggered by election news (that) spills into social, work and family life.” As you read the headline news about elections or their results, perhaps you find your…

  • US Elections: Can We Talk?

    With Jack Glaser, Joan Blades and Calista Small Emotions are high, language is divisive. Everyone is talking about the elections – but can we have a calm, open and honest conversation about it? How do we maintain our relationships even if we don’t agree with the political views of our friends, family and colleagues? And…

  • Election 2024: The Last Lap

    What are political experts’ predictions for Election Night? What key states should we keep an eye on? What campaign strategies are having success? Will the Republicans retake the White House with a second term for Donald Trump? Or will Vice President Kamala Harris ascend to the presidency as the first ever female and person of…