February 13, 2022 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PST
Death Penalty: Deterrent, Punishment, or Injustice?
Location: Online
California’s Governor recently announced plans to dismantle the death row section of the San Quentin State Prison – bringing capital punishment into the conversation spotlight. Capital punishment, also known as “the death penalty,” refers to the sentencing of convicted offenders to death for the most serious crimes (capital crimes).
America’s use of the death penalty varies. Executions of federal prisoners resumed under the Trump administration after a long hiatus, but President Biden has pledged to end federal executions. In the states, 27 still have capital punishment laws on the books, but Washington, DC and the remaining 23 states have abolished the practice.
Many supporters of the death penalty feel it acts as a deterrent and is morally justified when someone commits a crime like murder. Those who oppose its use believe that the government should not have the right to kill and that there are not enough safeguards in place to prevent wrongful executions.
At this meeting, we’ll discuss:
• Do you feel that capital punishment has a place in the American criminal justice system today?
• Do you think there would be consequences if capital punishment was banned throughout the United States?
• Are your views on capital punishment influenced by the method of execution? What about the perceived severity of the crime committed?
• Do your views on the death penalty depend on what safeguards are in place to prevent wrongful executions?
Join the Crossing Party Lines discussion and have a voice in our Nation’s Conversation! People of all views are welcomed, appreciated, and heard.
Helpful pre-reads:
– States and Capital Punishment (https://www.ncsl.org/research/civil-and-criminal-justice/death-penalty.aspx)
– Most Americans Favor the Death Penalty Despite Concerns About Its Administration (https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/02/most-americans-favor-the-death-penalty-despite-concerns-about-its-administration/)
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