Citizen Connect is your nonpartisan doorway to civic action. We put the 600+ organizations – right, left and center – working to strengthen our democracy at your fingertips, so you can choose how to connect.


Participate in REAL DEMOCRACY right NOW! 24/7/365

Citizen Assembly

Citizen Assembly invites you to join us in the never-ending, limitless process of REAL deliberative democracy, thanks to the groundbreaking technology Egora, “The Worldwide Stock-Market of Ideas”! With Egora EVERYONE is able to participate in democracy at their own convenience and at their own level of comfort, by… –   developing their own political philosophy…

How Interfaith Foundations Lead to Authentic Allyship:

Interfaith America

The events in and around Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, TX in January 2022 could have been another story about the prejudice and deep division in our society – instead, out of the trauma and fear emerged a story of a community united. A foundational lesson that calls to us from that recent – and…

Robert Kagan: Our Constitutional Crisis is Already Here

In a provocative op-ed for The Washington Post, Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, argued that the United States is heading into its greatest political and constitutional crisis since the Civil War, with a reasonable chance over the next three to four years of incidents…

Make Calls to Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Vermont


A coalition of diverse lawmakers from across Vermont just introduced S.229 to make Vermont the second New England state to adopt ranked choice voting in statewide elections. If passed, ranked choice voting promises to give Vermont voters more choice by encouraging them to truly vote for who they like without worrying about their vote not…

Online Discussion with Aristotle’s Cafe

Aristotle’s Cafe

Since 2005 Aristotle’s Cafe has held free community discussions that provide the chance for diverse groups of strangers to come together and meet face-to-face. Creating an opportunity for prejudices and misunderstandings to be overcome through personal growth and effective communication. Join us for a virtual discussion held via Zoom that will give you the chance…

Film Discussion – What Killed Michael Brown?

We choose films that address social, political or cultural issues that are relevant to society today. They may highlight liberal-leaning, conservative-leaning or independent themes, or feature actors or directors from opposite sides of the political spectrum. We’ll be discussing the film: “What Killed Michael Brown?” This documentary focuses on the 2014 death of Michael Brown,…