Election Participation Guide: Your Vote Matters! Register, Vote, Work The Polls, Get Out The Vote.

Find The Right Event for You!

We always have rewarding opportunities to get your citizen game on - some interactive, some informational, some virtual, some right next door. They welcome all Americans interested in making our politics better whether you’re a Republican, Democrat or Independent. Check out our featured events below or use our search tools to zero in on the best options for you. Explore the events that intrigue you most, then click to get connected!


All Day

Take the survey for independent voters

Take this survey for independent voters  at bit.ly/indy_survey Independent Voting has launched a new survey at this moment because it's an important moment for independents to be having conversations about...

Democracy Day Celebration

Team Democracy

International Day of Democracy (9/15) is a time to take stock in the state of democracy here at home and around the world.  Team Democracy invites every American, and every...


Participate in REAL DEMOCRACY right NOW! 24/7/365

Citizen Assembly

Citizen Assembly invites you to join us in the never-ending, limitless process of REAL deliberative democracy, thanks to the groundbreaking technology Egora, "The Worldwide Stock-Market of Ideas"! Egora-ILP.org With Egora...

Up to Us Fall Campus Competition – Apps open 8/9-9/16

Up to Us

Application Period is Aug 8 - Sept 16. Program starts at the end of Sept.Since 2012, more than 470,000 students have engaged in the Up to Us Campus Competition (https://www.itsuptous.org/get-involved/campus-competition). We...

The mission to inspire American unity continues


With another election season this fall, the mission to inspire American unity continues with a campaign for Liberatus Volume Two. It will be a sequel to Volume One and we...

Improving Illinois Town Hall – Peoria

Change Illinois

Why do new maps matter to me?Elected officials in Chicago and statewide reshape their districts every decade—but they prioritize their political careers instead of us and our communities of interest!These maps dictate policy...