Citizen Connect is your nonpartisan doorway to civic action. We put the 600+ organizations – right, left and center – working to strengthen our democracy at your fingertips, so you can choose how to connect.

Featured Featured Event Series Conversation Collective hosted by

Conversation Collective hosted by

Citizen Discourse

Citizen Discourse’s Conversation Collective is a community from around the country — and even the globe!! — who gather for compassionate and restorative conversation. We start with a mindful moment and incorporate some writing and reflecting and one on one conversation. First timers are welcome to come join us as a guest.  Membership is available…

Mental Health Conversation

Living Room Conversations

Join us for a hosted Living Room Conversation!Most people agree that we want to reduce the stigma around mental health issues so that individuals and families are more inclined to seek help. Many people look to traditional western medicine for the primary answers to mental health problems. There is growing interest in exploring a wider…

Featured Featured

Black voters and the complexity of race and politics in the 2024 elections

Black voters have increasingly been identified as a pivotal Democratic voting bloc in critical state and federal elections, with over 85% voting for Democratic candidates in recent national, state, and local elections Despite overwhelming support for Democratic candidates, Black voters hold a range of ideologies; they are conservative, moderate, liberal, and progressive, and approximately 10%…

Featured Featured

Voices for the Future: Building Bridges Across the Partisan Divide


Dennis Cohen is the founder and CEO of Resolutionaries, a nonpartisan, non-profit dedicated to bringing Americans together. The aim of Resolutionaries is to inspire respectful conversation, nurture common civic values, and build bridges across ideological and political divides.   Dennis began his professional career as a lawyer and mediator, mediating with couples going through divorce since 2000. His…