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Citizen Assembly

Citizen Assembly invites you to join us in the never-ending, limitless process of REAL deliberative democracy, thanks to the groundbreaking technology Egora, “The Worldwide Stock-Market of Ideas”! With Egora EVERYONE is able to participate in democracy at their own convenience and at their own level of comfort, by… –   developing their own political philosophy…

Unshelved: Restricting Books in Schools

Crossing Party Lines

Removing books from libraries and classrooms is nothing new, but a recent move by a Tennessee School District drew national attention after they removed a graphic novel about the Holocaust from their 8th grade curriculum. Citing concerns regarding the appearance of profanity, nudity, and graphic images in parts of the book, this move, like many…

NATO: Does It Still Matter?

Crossing Party Lines

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed in 1949 to “guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.” More specifically, to “promote democratic values and enable members to consult and cooperate on defense and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.”Seventy-three years…

Citizen Office Hours

Citizen Assembly

If the Citizen is to be the highest authority in democracy, should we not have office hours to make ourselves available and accountable to our fellow citizens? The answer is YES – yes, we should.In a democracy, there is no power without responsibility. If the citizens do not accept the responsibility of being citizens, then…