Citizen Connect is your nonpartisan doorway to civic action. We put the 600+ organizations – right, left and center – working to strengthen our democracy at your fingertips, so you can choose how to connect.

Become a certified IF Collaborative Discussion Coach!

Interactivity Foundation

Register now for the Interactivity Foundation’s (IF) September 2024 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training. This training is limited to 10 participants to ensure interactive, hands-on engagement. After completing this training, certified collaborative discussion coaches will be able to offer their own certificate programs in classrooms, communities, and workplaces. Coaches are able to award certificates & digital…

Become a certified IF Collaborative Discussion Coach!

Interactivity Foundation

Register now for the Interactivity Foundation’s (IF) October 2024 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training. This training is limited to 10 participants to ensure interactive, hands-on engagement. After completing this training, certified collaborative discussion coaches will be able to offer their own certificate programs in classrooms, communities, and workplaces. Coaches are able to award certificates & digital…

R.A.F.T. for America – New York

Team Democracy

R.A.F.T. for America (Reuniting America by Fostering Trust) invites you to join Beaver Brook Outfitters for a day of whitewater rafting on the Hudson River Gorge – where the only cost of admission is your willingness to pair up with someone from “the other side of the aisle” to promote the message that as Americans,…

Convergence Celebration & Book Signing Reception

Mark Levison and Mike McMillan are hosting a reception to celebrate the release of From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems, a groundbreaking new book from Mariah Levison and Rob Fersh being published on July 30, 2024. The event will feature a fireside chat with the authors, including an opportunity to ask questions, followed by a book signing, enjoyable company,…

R.A.F.T. for America – Maryland

Team Democracy

R.A.F.T. for America (Reuniting America by Fostering Trust) invites you to join River Riders for a day of rafting on the Potomac River (on the Maryland/West Virginia border) near Harpers Ferry, WV.  The only cost of admission is your willingness to pair up with someone from “the other side of the aisle” to promote the…